The cassava and derivatives market has been continuously transformed since the beginning of the 90s, when Ivo Pierin and his sons Paulo Sérgio Pierin and Ivo Pierin Júnior started their first starch factory in Tamboara, Paraná.
Strategically, in 1995 we envisioned a market repositioning and, using the technology proposed by Maurício Gehlen, we developed our first special modified starch, designed to bring standardization, quality and optimization to manufacturing processes in the cheese bread industries.
Since then, we have always been looking for technologies, professional training and developing solutions for our clients. No longer just focused on cheese bread, new markets were being explored within the universe of cassava derivatives and in addition to modified starches, we developed other products such as mixes, dehydrated cassava and fiber.
At the beginning of 2020, we dared to acquire a new plant, Podium Nordeste, which brought us greater business breadth and new specificities in starches entered our list of innovative products for dairy products, juices and sauces.
Always attentive to the new demands of the food market, we at Podium work to overcome our limits and become even better through the quality of our products, innovation, personalized service, socio-environmental responsibility and appreciation of our employees and partners.
To be a company recognized for its quality, partnership with customers and suppliers and for the socio-environmental actions developed.
Provide our customers with high quality products, meeting their needs and expectations with socio-environmental responsibility, promoting the valuation and well-being of employees.
From the plantation, or even before this stage, taking into account the operation in researches of new varieties of cassava, Podium Alimentos is involved. The company stimulates the development of new technologies for plantation and harvest, understanding that the whole productive chain has to gain with improvements in the productive process.
In the industry, with the opening of new markets and the increase of the product line, physical and production expansion has become indispensable and therefore, Podium Alimentos in March 2020 acquired a new unit, located in Bahia. With vast productive capacity, the plant also allows operations in new segments. With investments in technology and enhancement of processes, the reflection is growth and new opportunities.
To produce cassava derivatives ensuring food quality and safety, through continuous improvement of the processes aiming at the satisfaction of customers and employees, with socio-environmental responsibility and comply with regulatory and statutory requirements.
Basic premise of the company, quality always comes in first place and for this case, strict standards arer followed, in order to identify, analyze and control the hazards associated to food production, distribution and consumption. The whole productive process, starting with the cassava plantation, our raw material, harvest and industrialization, are supervised by quality control, which has qualified technicians and equipped laboratories. The Monitoring of all stages allow us to provide our customers, with safe and standardized foods.
Podium Alimentos |
Innovation is a process so inherent to the daily activities of Podium Alimentos which can be observed easily both in processes and products, and in brand communication and positioning. This culture of innovation promotes a new visual identity to the company every five years and involves the whole roll of employees from creation up to the implementation of this project. Get to know the history of the logos of Podium Alimentos:
Podium Alimentos serves the whole national territory, operating from its Head unit in the city of Tamboara in the state of Paraná and its subsidiary in Laje in the state of Bahia.
Paraná Unit – Head Office: Rodovia PR 492, Km 06 Tamboara – PR CEP: 87760-000 Phones: 55 44. 3421-5000
Bahia Unit – Subsidiary: Rodovia BR 101, Km 279 Laje – BA CEP: 45490-000 Phones: 55 44. 3421-5020 / 55 75. 99942-5557